420: A Space Odyssey more like
9 November 2023
I'll confess I have never seen this film unless I have had a little smoke before hand, but it's so slow paced, feeling far longer than it's actual run time, I don't think I could make it to the end without it!

Don't get me wrong I love this movie it's like being on the edge of fascination and boredom at the same time, but so hypnotic that I love the ride.

You can space out on the visuals, have a little think about the themes, look for the correct predictions of the future, (try not to freak yourself out wondering if AI is going to go all HAL on us), and if it's your thing the guys look pretty good running around in short shorts.

There is still very much a retro feel to this film, even though it defiantly pulls off the futuristic, the flight attendants and video home calls are smothered in the late 1960's idea of midcentury modern in space, but I love that.

The metaphors are easy to spot and interpret and the, "life questioning", themes are nothing you haven't discussed sat on your mates beanbag when you were 17 , but what's wrong with making answers we can never really know and questions we can only ask a bit simple, so we can sit back and soak up the style?

That intermission is there to go smoke another one, I highly suggest it to enjoy the light show after.
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