The aliens are abducted from most of the film
5 November 2023
I thought I was going to be watching something a little Mulder and Scully, but a good 3/4 of this film is nothing more than lumberjack, "bros", under stress and small-town melodrama.

It's basically a generic Hollywood representation of a bunch of male manual workers, so the emotional depth here is reduced to just shouting lines at each other and everything becoming almost a fist fight.

This gets tiresome real quick, especially as the entire cast replace acting with loudness and the script offers little more than someone screaming something to say they either don't know where he is, they are not lying or that they are in this together (bro).

Even the, "return", mainly ignores the main point of the film and focuses more on going right back to normal, including a wholesome small town welcome back party, where nobody seems interested in the main guest at all and he is free to wonder off and crawl under a table without anyone noticing for a while.

This is where we get the jarring flashback scene, that's unlike any of the rest of the movie, and a taster of exactly the type of thing you thought you'd be watching, but its to little to late and is left as an isolated scene, as we go right back to out abductee sorting out his life and friendship, ( also was I the only one thinking there's some secret gay love affair tension going on).

One star for the table torture scene, the only sci-fi scary five minuets on offer and one for the location, (I like tree filled mountains) - other than that there's nothing other than guitar twangs, (the sound track is awful), a bunch of guys bulging in their jeans and something about an alien abduction, maybe.
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