This retro reboot isn't that bad
4 November 2023
My review is probably softer than most, as I haven't seen a Pink Panther film in a few years now, so I'm not here to play the comparison game with Peter.

Obviously even my casual viewing of the previous films can see they are trying to copy a lot of the elements of the original formula, bringing back an ensemble of the old casts, with basically an American version of Clouseau, but at least it's got a story that flows well enough and ties up the, "where did he go" loose ends.

Maybe I was just in the right mood for watching this or maybe there is just enough bits and bobs holding this together to make this pleasant, (not great, just pleasant), viewing.

Great locations / backdrops, a cast of British national treasures, retro early 80's vibes and I even liked that Sleigh wasn't a complete carbon copy and a has little bit of intelligence about him.

There's not much in the way of laughs, more smirks, although I did actually find the blow up woman segment really funny, (I may have had a little 420 before viewing to help there!)

Appreciate it for a little miss mash of effort it is, I mean at least they tried, there's Roger in his Bond era still, some pretty nifty stunts in the down hill car chase and some of the sets are lovely.

Ted Wass is fine as your poor mans Chevy Chase, a little on the handsome side as well, he just had to live in the shadow of Peter, so was always going to fail in comparison.

Treat it as a little stand alone film and watch as a mild background distraction and you'll see it's not that bad really.
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