Not as good as people say it is
27 October 2023
This movie didn't live up to the critic and fan praise after going in knowing it would be a different movie and giving it plenty of generous leeway on quality and expectations. The first 40 minutes are solid, but it often fails to execute. After that the movie drags and drags on with many dull moments that never pay off, or provide a thought provoking ending such as gems like Suspiria 2018, Neon Demon, Drive, etc. Characters make predictably dumb decisions as usual to drive a plot forward.

This is a filmmaker with potential, and a great influence for future Spanish horror. However, I believe this film was given too much credit and acclaim because it wasn't held to such high standards as other horror films. After leaving the film, you may try to grasp onto a theme or message, but the ending is not one to impress. I'm glad I waited to watch this on Shudder vs traveling 2 hours to a theater. This falls in line with the many IFC films I find interesting and unique, but fail to be entertaining or interesting enough to maintain attention. Be careful and don't go in with expectations set by people raving about the film.
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