Sid the Science Kid (2008– )
25 October 2023
This show is terrible. But it didn't need to be. I love kids shows that teach science in an understandable and creative way. Unfortunately, every single thing in this show is terrible. Other than the songs. They're actually pretty catchy and well written. Other than that, WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?! The animation is horrifyingly unfinished. The characters move like their under some sort of spell. Why do the characters teeth randomly disappear and reappear? I understand animation is difficult, but why is every character so unsettlingly creepy looking? This aired on PBS KIDS!! Speaking of characters. Every character other than Gerald are somehow annoying and boring at the same time. I genuinely can't name a single trait of any character other than Gerald. I think the reason why they are so annoying is because of they're voice actors. WHY IS EVERYONE SO ANNOYINGLY VOICED??!! There is nothing wrong with speaking like a normal person!! It's fine to have an adult impersonate a child, but is it to much to ask for Someone who actually sounds like a child? All of their lines are overlapping and sometimes it feels like there isn't even a script it's just them doing random filler for an unacceptably long amount of time. Every episode starts with the characters coming into the scene vvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyy sssssssslllllllloooooooowwwwwwwwllllllllyyyyyyyy and I hate it it's so predictable! 98% of the audience already knows the characters. Even if they don't, it should be pretty easy to remember their personality through the episode. Even though they have no personality to speak of. THIS IS ONE OF THE WORST WRITTEN SHOWS I HAVE EVER SEEN. It's only appropriate to talk about my biggest problem last. This show thinks that the children are stupid. It has the most sickly sweet lines from everyone, there is never any conflict and the show is absolutely COATED with filler. And then, out of nowhere the lessons they teach about science are usually way more advanced then the shows "target audience" I remember watching this when I was very young and never understood any of the science. That just makes me ask. "Who were they making this for?" Boring. Annoying. Predictable. Stupid. Lazy.

Something that should not be watched by anyone. Unless you plan on ripping on it with friends.
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