Black Sails (2014–2017)
Finally a quality and well written adventure
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a quality show. One with an interesting story, well developed characters, a balance in action and one that you truly come to care about.

I was skeptical but decided to give this a chance. It turned out to be a rewarding adventure full of twists and turns. It is willing to sacrifice key characters but only at the natural development of the plot, not for shock factor like The Walking Dead and others did.

It can occasionally get bogged down in dialogue but most of the time, theses conversations are compelling, necessary and force the viewer to feel the conflict of pivotal choices presented by each character.

Nothing is rushed in Black Sails. It crafts an interesting story with well developed characters to carry it. Whether you find yourself siding with Captain Flint, Charles Vane, John Silver, or any other of the key character; they all bring something special to the show.

There is just about everything a pirate show needs: buried treasure, storms, chases, romance, action, plot, characters, naval battles and more.

I will probably rewatch the series again at some point to pick up all the things I missed the first time through. If you're in search of buried treasure, I fully recommend popping a bowl of popcorn, grab your favorite beverage, and embark on this incredible voyage.

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