Sometimes dead is better...Please kill the franchise!
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't often say this about a movie and I apologize in advance to those I'm going to offend by saying this, but 'Pet Sematary: Bloodlines' is a complete mess.

Honestly, this movie never know what it wants to be. Is it a slasher movie? Is it a zombie movie? Is it a possession movie? Whatever it is, it certainly has very little to no connection to Stephen King's original idea. This is nothing more than a B-movie slasher hoping to cash in on a famous title.

There is just so much wrong with this movie that I can't even go into detail with all the issues that bothered me. I enjoyed 2019's 'Pet Sematary' more than expected, and was looking forward to this installment. Set in 1969, this acts as a prequel. The families of the small town of Ludlow is keeping a secret from their children. All is about to change when Bill Baterman (David Duchovny) buries his son Timmy in the cemetery, and he returns as a living dead.

Timmy's long-time friends are Judson and Manny. Judson and his girlfriend Norma is about to leave town when they encounter a very sick looking dog looking in the middle of the road. Recognizing the dog as Timmy's, they take the dog back to his place, where Norma is viciously attacked by the creepy dog, leaving her hospitalized.

Timmy's strange behaviour made Judson suspicious, and now he wants to find out what is going on. The characters jumped to conclusions so quickly that I thought I missed some information along the line. The film is over-dramatized so prematurely that the second act already felt like the third act. Researching the town's history, Judson realize there are family secrets going back generations - and his life is about to become a living nightmare.

Very little of Stephen King's story remains here. The film relies heavily on jump scares and gore to keep the viewer engaged. Nothing in this movie is well explained and I was never convinced it was actually the cemetery that brought the victims back to life.

And speaking of which - and here are spoilers - soon after Timmy attacks Manny's sister, Donna, she suddenly behaves like the living dead. But, when did Timmy bury her and why was this not shown? Must we simply assume he buried her? Or did she simply turn into the living dead because he - being living dead himself - attacked her? So, it's like a zombie movie now? And then she goes straight to Norma to kill her. Why? And why was Norma abducted? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

The film felt like a bunch of ideas blended together without any of them mixing very well. I also didn't really care about any of the characters - not even Judson as the film's protagonist. 'Pet Sematary: Bloodlines' was a huge disappointment, and utterly forgettable. Give this one a skip.
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