Review of Krull

Krull (1983)
Engaging romp & fine visuals overpower thin plot & cheap action
24 September 2023
--- As usual, no spoilers or plot-description here. ---

Krull is oft-criticised for its formulaic derivative plot, that is absolutely justified. Even back in 1983 this was tired formula. And not just derivative: the plot & mythology is so thin that there's not much for the viewer to grab on to. No real mysteries to ponder.

The other significant weakness is poorly-choreographed action: slow lumbering swipes, obvious moves, no real feeling of thrill or oomph in the fighting.

The dialogue is basic, the cast of characters are merely functional.

Normally such weaknesses will damn a film to the below 5/10 group. Yet Krull engages so well with its pace and visual story-telling. It entertainingly hits the beats of standard fantasy fare while offering a generous handful of fine visual stimuli: epic mountain terrain, atmospheric sets, interesting villain designs and artful photographic imagery. FX are decent.

It's the kind of film where if you're in the mood for a lightweight typical-80's fantasy quest-adventure it'll hit the spot.
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