The Even Stevens Movie (2003 TV Movie)
This Even Stevens movie features outdated Island Native culture stereotypes.
16 September 2023
I have watched this Even Stevens movie and while it does feature the usual Disney Channel jokes. It's about the family who goes on vacation, and it turns out that it was set up especially the palace destruction scene. Also, the white people on the island including the chief were pretending to be Native Islanders which made me upset.

I'm very shocked that Disney Channel made a movie being disrespectful and insensitive to the Pacific Native people of the island. I didn't like how the family suffered and had no clue what was going on and the reality fake TV show was a setup, I didn't laugh at all, it was painful to watch.

Disney needs to put out a label warning on Disney Plus for the Native islander stereotypes which was very disrespectful since this was made in 2003 when they did do outdated cultural stereotypes. It could've been a fun movie, but the fact they featured Pacific islander stereotypes was a big turnoff for me. You'd be better off watching Lilo and Stitch, Rip Girls, Johnny Tsumani which is more respectful since North America government has taken over Hawaii since the 19th century.
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