Retribution (I) (2023)
"Please, just listen!" (spoilers after a warning)
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Retribution early as part of Regal's Mystery Movie Monday. I have so many things to make fun of so I will try to keep this part short. This movie is ridiculously dumb. You have to fully turn your brain off and that still probably won't be enough.

Even if you are able to ignore the complete lack of logic, the characters and dialogue make this movie insufferable and infuriating. The main issue is, no one listens to anything anyone says. Everything is repeated at least once if not more. This starts even before the conflict with Matt's (Neeson) ridiculously annoying kids.

Matt says, "please, just listen" or something along those lines so many times I wanted to cry. And even worse, Matt ends up doing the same thing, not listening and questioning things. This is even after he's confirmed the threat is real.

Liam Neeson has been on a bad streak lately, with movies like Blacklight (2 stars), The Marksman (2 stars), and Honest Thief (3 stars). If these are the only movies where he can get a leading role, he should consider supporting roles in better projects.

(1 viewing, early screening Mystery Movie Monday 8/14/2023)




Where do I begin...

1) At the start of this conflict, Matt pulls over to confirm that there is a bomb under the seat. He has no reason to believe there are pressure sensors in the backseats, especially since he almost never drives his kids to school. He could have even confirmed that there's nothing under the passenger seat. In conclusion, why in the world would you not immediately tell your kids to get out of the car???? You're already stopped!

2) The bomber mentions multiple times that he's watching Matt. At no point is this ever explained. I assumed he was a hacker and had access to traffic cams or Matt's phone camera. But nope, just nonsense.

3) The Interpol agent calls Matt. He tells her he can't stop because there's a bomb under his seat. The agent doesn't believe him... Even though there have already been two bombings. I don't understand. The news is even talking about a serial bomber. Even if she suspected him, anyone in their right mind would have proceeded as if there really was a bomb under his seat.

4) Matt could have easily convinced her of the caller by leaving her line open and putting the bomber on speakerphone. But this movie is too dumb to have the character do something smart.

5) When the cops have Matt's vehicle surrounded, the Interpol agent goes to talk to him. She's still accusing him of being the bomber. The son tries to tell her, "My dad didn't do it, there's someone on the phone telling him what to do!" Her response (paraphrased) is, "I'm busy right now, I'll talk to you later." I couldn't believe it. This is vital information you're ignoring.

6) Even after the bomb squad confirms a bomb under Matt's seat, she STILL thinks he's the bomber. Are you out of your damn mind? Why would he do this to himself?

7) Matt ends up losing the entirety of the police force and is alone for an extended period of time. In a fully recognizable car with no doors. This has to be the worst police force of all time. How did they not find him, especially when they think he's a serial bomber?

8) The ending... oh the ending. The bomber is now in the backseat with a seatbelt on. But Matt's mindless plan is to crash into a light pole. Even though his own momentum would be thrust forward and his weight would no longer be on the seat. But let's let that one slide.

The car ends up on its side. There is now ZERO weight on the pressure sensor. But the bomb doesn't go off. Unbelievable.

And he escapes by removing his seatbelt and dropping from the vehicle into a river... Even though earlier we saw someone try to run out of a vehicle and was completely engulfed in flames. And it's hilariously convenient the way the vehicle stops in the perfect place to allow Matt to fall out into the river but not have the entire vehicle fall into the river. Atrocious.
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