Great Premise. So-so Execution
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Came across this at random on Amazon Prime. I was unfamiliar with the source book, so the characters and situations were new to me. Based on the fundamental premise, this could have been a great movie, but it was so-so. It's not bad, but it was easy to see how it could have been improved with better plot and character development. After a promising open - Paul's bad morning gone horribly wrong - it took too long to establish that unnatural things were going on at the very weird Wells Company. Despite the early hints, it took too long to establish that Paul's presence there was more than a coincidence. The development of the partnership and relationship between Paul and Sophie was disjointed and awkward. If she was under the company's control, why was she allowed to become Paul's ally and partner in crime? That's just one example of how things dragged and then suddenly went from Point A to Point B without clearly establishing how they got there. A tighter script and direction could have elevated this to something special.

The post-credits ending was obviously a set-up for a sequel. If they do make one, I'll probably watch it, but I won't be broken hearted if they don't. I'm torn about whether they've earned it.
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