Review of Mrs. Davis

Mrs. Davis (2023)
Eccentric TV show about a nun seeking for the Holy Grail.
19 August 2023
I am not sure how to feel about "Mrs. Davis" because in my perspective it suffers from an identity crisis. At first it seems like a comedy, but then suddenly it becomes serious. The show keeps going to the extremes: dialogues are either ridiculously silly and absurd, or they are just too deep. It seems that the creators were never able to reach some kind of balance. Maybe this is what they were aiming for, but I personally found this very weird, and not in a good way. The story is intriguing and there are interesting and original narrative techniques being used. I enjoyed how apparently unrelated events will eventually merge together, creating a nice harmony in the end. I liked the nonsense comedy style that they used in some instances. The religious element is very central in the show, but as everything else, it is treated in a funny and different way: I liked how the creators mocked some spiritual beliefs, while still being respectful on the matter.

Betty Gilpin who played Sister Simone was good and she managed to convey many different emotions on screen. She's a skilled actress, I could not see any other actor playing her role. Jake McDorman was very inconsistent, at times he delivered a nice performance, but other times I just could not stand him, because his acting was pretty sloppy. I really enjoyed the comedic relief who was represented by Chris Diamantopoulos. He played this dumb member of the resistance, tasked to destroy this powerful AI. The show is mainly a critique of social media, and this is the message that I was able to perceive: at times we feel lost, so we feel the urge of posting stuff on social media, so we can have the "approval" of other people by finding our "purpose". This series is like a light-hearted version of "Black Mirror". It has the right amount of suspense and I was always curious to see how the plot would develop. Unfortunately, sometimes episodes are too long and they go around in circles, just to hit the 1 hour mark. There are some dull scenes that could be completely trimmed or at least shortened, as they do not add any value to the show. My final mark is 6.5 stars out of 10. If you are looking for a funny show, this might do the trick.
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