Severed (2002 Video)
The viewers who love this garbage worked on this film
19 August 2023
(2002) Severed HORROR

Straight-to-rental horror flick edited, co-written and directed by Matt green that has an unidentified serial killer, Baron (Nehemiah) running amok on the streets of Seattle, Washington, where an unknown figure chops heads victimizing supposedly crooked businessman, which happens often so frequently that the police had to name it the "Headhunter". This single officer's task unit's job was on the line was so crucial, that it resulted to Det Miller (Mark Harris) to resort involving a bounty hunter, Blake (Peter Reh) to find the serial killer.

In order to fully appreciate this, one would have to ignore total idiocy amongst the actions of the people, especially the police as well as to be oblivious about proper police procedures. This is low budget at it's best! Bomb.
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