Maybe Spend More Effort in the Story Than the Boxes
13 August 2023
Maybe if they had spent more time worrying about the story line or the script than than did about getting those boxes ticked off... it might have been ok. It's all there... two toned marriages; the little boy looks more like a girl and makes sure to wear the symbol God gave to Noah after the flood; strong, independent women who run their marriages and control the men like puppets; multiple partner intercourse glorification.... Yep. But a story? Why bother? It's got what's important. :eye_roll:

Ok... with that out of the way, let's get to the story itself. Trying not to give anything away... when you are being chased by a monster and you grab the car keys, do you A) run for the car and make a break for it -or- B) put the keys in your pocket; open the front door; and hide inside? Yeah. Me, too. Ok...Ok... forget that. You've got the keys to the car in your hand. You are standing right at the car. The keys are in the door lock. You've turned the key and unlocked the door. Do you A) open the door; get in the car; and drive like your life depends on it (because it does) -or- B) leave the keys in the lock; drop down; crawl under the car; and wait for the monster to come check things out? Yeah. Me, too. The brilliant protagonist, though, doesn't choose option A in either situation.

Do yourself a favor and skip this. I mean.. unless of course you care more about boxes than content.
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