Mary, Mary (1963)
feels like a play
7 August 2023
Book publisher Bob McKellaway (Barry Nelson) is marrying Tiffany Richards (Diane McBain) next month. Oscar Nelson is working his dispute with the IRS over $6000. He has money issues. He's not helpful and Oscar has invited his ex-wife Mary (Debbie Reynolds) over. He's not happy with the surprise visit. Tiffany wants to meet his ex. Dirk Winsten comes over and sets his eyes on Mary.

This is a (comedy?) based on a Broadway play. Once they stay in the same apartment for half an hour, it starts feeling very much like a play. There is plenty of talking and I'm trying my best to find it funny. I don't know why people keep popping in and out of the scene. It keeps turning into a dialogue between two or three people. It's not until the end when the group gets together and that feels more natural. Bob and Mary's banter is mildly amusing or it has the form of being amusing. Bob's jealousy is a little funnier. Tiffany should be a funny airhead and definitely needs more screen time. I'm invested in Bob and Mary. If nothing else, I'm invested in Debbie Reynolds.
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