Weird, uninsightful but still entertaining infomercial, thankfully without any recent Netflix doco tricks
28 May 2023
I'm doing a lot of research on Tony Robbins to see if he's legit. Some YouTube channels I respect very much swear by him, but it's hard to get past his ridiculous selling of anything and everything and his name dropping. But does he really care, deep down?

This documentary didn't help with understanding him at all, unless you'd never heard of him before. He is an amazing speaker and uses some quite hypnotic techniques to keep a crowd. It's like a religious experience.

I didn't even takeaway if his stuff works. It seems to but is it him and his CBT like techniques or is it the person making the decision to go in the first place? Some of his techniques are questionable, borderline abusive.

The documentary does not go into any controversy or hard stuff at all. It's very much all the good and on Tony Robbins terms. Which detracts from it, but when you hear the stories from some people in crowd it's at its most engaging (whether they're plants or people specially selected I don't know). Some people have really gone through some stuff. Horrible stuff. Just them then being alive is amazing. So be thankful for your circumstances where you can, someone always has it worse, even if they look great from the outside.
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