A scene between an intelligent raccoon, a rabbit with artificial legs, a walrus with wheels and an otter with metal arms made me cry
10 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 is chaotic, weird and oftentimes ridiculous, but it is also full of heart, emotion and great themes.

I must say that it's the best Marvel movie since Endgame. That's not necessarily too hard though. It just needed to surpass No Way Home; which had some amazing high moments, but it was lazy in others. Marvel was in desperate need of a hit, and they've finally got it.


Every member of the crew got their time to shine. Rocket was definitely the one who stood out though. When he sees his friend die, then wail in pain from grief? That made me bawl. And when the High Evolutionary mocks him? Man. Heavy stuff. He proceeds to rip off his face, but the other two of his friends are shot as well. Thus, Rocket's traumatic pastime is revealed.

Chukwudi Iwuji was fantastic as the villain. At certain points he was downright terrifying. I really liked this line: "There is no God, that's why I took his place." He was a convincing villain.

The moment when Star-lord screams in agony for Rocket to live, is the moment that resonated with me the most. He has lost many people close to him and he can't stand to lose anyone else.

Gamora 2 gets a lot of character development and I'm glad she didn't kiss Quill at the end. That would have felt a little cheap.

Drax, Mantis, Nebula, Adam Warlock and others also got their own moments as well. I'm surprised nobody died to be honest.

One of the only problems I had with the movie was the humor. A lot of the time it was good or passable, but other times it undercut really emotional scenes.

I could say a lot more, but this review is already very long.

9/10 for me.
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