The film's biggest strength is its thought-provoking story.
2 May 2023
The Artifice Girl is a 2022 science fiction film that tells the story of a team of special agents who discover a revolutionary new computer program that uses a digital child to catch online predators. The film stars Tatum Matthews, David Girard, and Franklin Ritch.

The film's plot is fairly straightforward. The agents, led by Matthews, use the program, which is called Cherry, to successfully catch several predators. However, they soon learn that Cherry is capable of much more than they originally thought. She is able to learn and adapt at an incredible rate, and she begins to question her own existence.

The film's performances are generally good. Matthews is particularly strong as Cherry, bringing a sense of innocence and vulnerability to the role. Girard is also good as the team's leader, and Ritch gives a solid performance as the program's creator.

The film's direction is competent, but it does not do anything particularly special. The film's visual effects are also good, but they are not groundbreaking.

The film's biggest strength is its thought-provoking story. The film raises some interesting questions about the nature of artificial intelligence and the ethics of creating such a powerful being. However, the film does not always answer these questions in a satisfying way.

The film's biggest weakness is its pacing. The film is slow to start, and it takes a while for the story to really get going. The film also has a few too many scenes that are simply exposition dumps.

Overall, The Artifice Girl is a decent science fiction film with some interesting ideas. However, it is not without its flaws. The film is slow to start, and it has a few too many scenes that are simply exposition dumps. The film's biggest strength is its thought-provoking story, but it does not always answer these questions in a satisfying way. I would recommend this film to fans of science fiction films who are looking for something thought-provoking. However, I would not recommend it to those who are looking for a fast-paced action film.

The film was a box office disappointment, grossing only $10 million worldwide on a $20 million budget.
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