An inspirational story that lacks a directional punch on this outing!
28 April 2023
As a combat sports fan, I was really looking forward to this movie. It tells the story of George Forman's life and career both in and outside of the ring but it lacked an emotional punch.

The film showed us enough material to provide us with an interesting story on screen but it didn't offer the viewer much else.

The in ring training and fight scenes didn't seem particularly convincing and even if you put that down to watching 'large heavyweight boxers', the wider acting didn't seem particularly inspired. Some aspects of Foreman's life are touched on so quickly or lightly that they end up feeling like generic story beats as opposed something that Foreman's actually experienced and/or dealt with.

There is still something to be had for combat sport fans, fans of George Foreman or maybe even those who have never come across his story. I just wish I could have enjoyed how the story was told alongside what was told.
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