Review of Fall

Fall (I) (2022)
Thought it would be better
27 April 2023
Five stars are basically for the job the filmmakers did making the viewers feel like they were up there with the girls, including the opening scene. I got a bit queasy watching them climb the tower. Other than that, there were many instances that had me laughing at their nonsensical nature. Without creating any spoilers, one such scene was when Hunter said something like "It looks like we're going to be up here for a while, so we better find a way to make ourselves comfortable", and in response the girls merely sat down. Gosh, that took a lot of brainwork. Additionally, apparently flying a drone isn't particularly difficult, as the one girl immediately becomes an expert.

But worst of all, the actresses are terribly miscast. It's pretty obvious from looking at them that each would have difficulty busting her way out of a wet paper sack, yet they perform some pretty incredible feats of strength. Comically, in one scene where one is using a rope to pull the other up to the tower platform, some shots feature the arms of an obvious stunt person, as they bear no resemblance to those of either actress.

And the overall theme of the film, essentially, life is short so you should do stupid crap in an attempt to make it even shorter, is just dumb. Oh, and buzzards apparently behave far differently than I thought they did. Overall, I found the film disappointing, and wouldn't recommend it.
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