Mrs. Davis (2023)
An engaging absolutely bonkers comedic sci-fi mystery that tackles faith and technology anchored by a strong central performance in Betty Gilpin
27 April 2023
In the near future, an artificial intelligence algorithm known by many names including "Mrs. Davis" has heavily ingrained itself with everyday society. A Nun, Sister Simone (Betty Gilpin), soon finds herself at the center of attention as not only Mrs. Davis, but several other factions who all possibly have their sights on something larger.

Mrs. Davis is a new sci-fi dramedy from creators Damon Lindelof of Lost and The Leftovers fame, and Tara Hernandez of Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon. The show has been pretty nebulous in its marketing as to what it is focusing mainly on the international scope of its production as well as the main crux being the interactions between Simone and Mrs. Davis' followers, but whatever you're expecting it won't prepare you for what you get and I mean that in the best possible way.

If you're familiar with Damon Lindelof's style of writing be it on Lost, The Leftovers or his various film projects. You'll know that he's great at offering intrigue rich hooks while not quite delivering satisfying payoffs, except in cases like The Leftovers where the ambiguity actually worked to that shows favor and helped make it a much more satisfying experience in comparison to Lost. With Mrs. Davis, I'd say it leans closer to the level of Leftovers than Lost, but while it is structured like a post-lost Mystery Box type serial drama, it's also kind of a deconstruction of it as well with the show often pointing out the macguffins and non-sensical conspiracy dramas and cloak and dagger nonsense in a way that's bounced off against Betty Gilpin's Sister Simone that acknowledges the silliness of the situation while also offering commentary on everything from social media to the relationship between religion and technology. While Mrs. Davis is another instance of a story in which there's an antagonist AI, think less Colossus: The Forbin Project or Terminator, and more ChatGPT down to the fact the show even acknowledges how much Mrs. Davis loves cliches. The cast are all really excellent and inhabit their roles well and Betty Gilpin makes a compelling character who struggles in reconciling her faither with the situation. Having seen the first four episodes I'm really excited about the possibilities presented by the series and think this could be as good if not better than The Leftovers.

Mrs. Davis is one of the most compelling viewing experiences I've seen in some time, and it's really the kind of thing that deserves to be viewed firsthand because if I were to tell you even half of what happens in the first four episodes it wouldn't do it justice. The fact that it serves as a quasi-deconstruction of Damon Lindelof inspired serialized storytelling while also being a Damon Lindelof show only adds even more to what's already pretty compelling at least from what we've seen.
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