The Ape (1940)
"Do apes ever return to the scene of their crime?"
21 April 2023
Although officially suggested by the play by Adam Hull Shirk, writer Kurt Siodmak was already employing an element that had been a staple of horror films since the silent era; the use of apes to commit skullduggery already dating back nearly a hundred years to 'The Murders on the Rue Morgue'.

In a long career William Nigh has the rare distinction of having directed both Lon Chaney and Boris Karloff. By the time he made 'The Ape' he had come down in the world considerably and working for Monogram when his path ironically passed Karloff playing Mr Wong the detective since Chaney had also played a Chinaman in the film Nigh made with him.

Karloff looks very distinguished in a long droopy moustache, while Maris Wrixon is genuinely touching as the young lady in a wheelchair on whose behalf Karloff dedicates himself to harvesting spinal fluid.
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