21 April 2023
Despite its rich source material and an enthusiastic cast, the film falls flat in its execution, succumbing to a string of cliches and predictable story beats that leave audiences feeling underwhelmed.

The film's narrative structure is a textbook example of the "team of heroes" trope, complete with characters who possess specific skill sets needed to overcome various obstacles. However, the film's reliance on such a formulaic approach results in a sense of déjà vu for viewers who are familiar with fantasy adventures. To its detriment, the film fails to deviate from or subvert the expected conventions, leading to a predictable and lackluster experience.

The filmmakers' affection for the source material is apparent, but it doesn't translate into a well-crafted movie. The film's visual design lacks creativity, with Forge's city resembling a generic fantasy video game setting. The film's use of CGI is at times jarring, with magic-driven sequences feeling detached from the more grounded practical effects. The world-building falls short, and the film misses the opportunity to create immersive and visually captivating environments.

While the cast delivers competent performances, their efforts are hindered by the film's shortcomings. Pine's rough charisma, Rodriguez's physicality, and Grant's smarminess are all on display, but they are not enough to elevate the material. The film suffers from a lack of substance, and despite its lengthy runtime of 139 minutes, it feels devoid of depth and genuine emotion. The characters are constantly moving from one plan to the next, but the repetitive structure leaves little room for meaningful development or stakes.
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