Rose and Maloney (2002–2005)
Excellent, But Avoid Season 3!!
21 March 2023
Director Metin Huseyin ruined this show in Season 3. It's so horrible it's humorous. The first Season was only 2 episodes, but it set expectations high with good pacing, believable characters and compelling plots. It was absorbing and excellent, from the acting and dialogue right down the line. The same held true through Season 2. Wonderful show, and sadly what happens with so many shows is it begins to unravel and deteriorate as the wrong people get their hands in the creative process and tamper with a proven formula. We see the wheels come off in Season 3, where the characters end up being over the top charicatures of themselves. You will end up despising Rose and Maloney kind of turns into a tool too. She's like a completely different person with a whole new, and rotten, personality. The exaggerated smoking of Rose is as intolerable as her snarky attitude. Rose becomes an arrogant, insufferable fool and for some reason her sympathies and motivations have shifted. Maloney's character is still quite likable at times. But he steps completely out of character too and acts so stupid it's annoying. Like we need to see his love life in action. Supporting cast, which had always been quite strong, also deteriorated into rather silly characters with no depth of emotion or intelligence. A new boss comes in with his go team attitude and a stupid grin you immediately want to smack off his face. We get cheap plot ploys to added to scenes for no reason like people eating/chewing, and it's not necessary and totally gross. Characters saying and doing things that are so beyond the realm of credible all you can do is roll your eyes. There's so much time wasted on their personal lives which aren't really that interesting. Choppy editing from one face to another doesn't work either. It's not fair to lay all the blame on the director on 2nd thought. The writing took a serious decline as well. And completely moronic music has been added, sometimes right over dialogue to the point you can't understand whats.'s being said. It just doesn't work at all and is very distractng from what's happening on screen. You will really notice how bad it is starting Episode 2 of Season 3. Whenever a scene gets mildly interesting, here comesthe droning/tinkling music to wreck it all. I don't understand how things can go so drastically wrong. It's sad, but again, the first 2 Seasons are very impressive. Not perfect, but what is? You could definitely see talented actors who will go on to well deserved fame. Seek out the series Happy Valley to see Sarah L. In full stride. First 2 seasons come in at a strong 8 for me but sadly the last season is rubbish not worthy than more than a 3. They're beyond awful. Cringe. Pathetic. It's like semi-talented people having their first crack at a show. Plots are decent in the last 2 episodes but it's the execution that's rot. First episode of Season 3 was way too ambitious for the ham fisted bunch of imbeciles that are at the helm. Very silly, disappointing ending with the person in prison being helped nothing but an idiot. There's no logic anywhere to be found anywhere in Season 3. Episode 3 is some of the worst TV drama you'll ever see.
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