Review of Overlord

Overlord (2018)
23 February 2023
From 2018, we have the ultimate in hybridization: a WWII movie spliced w/a zombie flick. Soldiers are dropped into French territory to take out a German radio tower on the eve of D-Day but what they don't know is that this facility is the hub of German research in resurrecting dead bodies (they've been conducting experiments on the town's populace perfecting their techniques) to create the ultimate supersoldier. The American unit led by Wyatt Russell (son of Kurt) & Jovan Adepo (he played Denzel's son in Fences), an African American soldier, join forces w/a French national (played Mathilde Ollivier) & her younger brother to infiltrate the base to complete their mission. When out on a recon jaunt, Adepo discovers the grisliness of their labs which throws a further wrinkle into their plans & in someone's lesser hands, could've derailed the entire affair. From Dusk til Dawn springs to mind as another genre mixer which adeptly blended 2 disparate genres to entertaining effect & taken on that level, Overlord doesn't disappoint w/plenty of gore & violence to satisfy any naysayers.
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