Death House (2017)
The idea is interesting. The script and film is a massive fail.
17 February 2023
All of these name Horror actors together sounds like fun. Even if a lot of them aren't known for actually being good actors at all, it still could have been a fun watch.

Instead we get a huge steam pile. A real mess of a film. Proving that it's a good director that makes a film not actors. Even the few actors involved that are usually of a good standard are awful in this film.

The three who were the devil maker, the devil and the son of the devil also made little sense and was amusing more than Scary.

The story makes no sense whatsoever. Not even close to a rational plot. And it took itself far too seriously. The Evil 5. Hilarious scene at the end with then standing in a semi circle trying to look cool 2as the cringiest thing I have seen in years. I can see why Mosely was asked to deliver the most dialogue as he's one of only a couple of people in this that can actually act. (The others...Sid Haig give a fun. Yet far too brief scene, Barbara Compton does ok with what she had although the 'girl power' part was a wrf moment!! Deep Wallace was poor here sadly, usually good but poorly directed maybe).

There was only one good horror scene in the whole film. The 9 in the cell that had transformed into slimey bloody beasts. This couple of minutes was fantastic. And the only redeeming oart of the film. The make up fx and gore looked genuinely stunning and nasty and so much so it looked so out of place nxt to the cheap cgi and after fx the rest of the film relied on.

Total cringe supposedly hi tech virtual reality headsets that were just tape and circuit board. Terrible! Why not just use VR headsets!?? They are cheap enough to buy.

Shower scene was welcome relief from the cheap green screen as she had a nice body. (Although face like a pizza and caked in make up.....and why did she have that black mark on her nose whilst she sat in the car at the start of the film?? Puzzled me.

Kane Hodder tried his best bless him. Some ok moments of acting but still couldn't say it from being a total mess of a film.

That script!? Story!? Hints at something interesting but in the end just a child's level rambling of clichés and drivel. Maybe Gunnar was drunk when wrote it!?

What the hell was it going on about. It made no sense at all.

Tony Todd is more miss than hit. He totally over acts and I usually roll my eyes when I see he's in a film last decade or so as it usually means it's gonna suck (except Final Destination and Hatchet)

This could have been great. But all involved failed.

I love Horror and I try my best to support low budget independent film but this was unforgivable bad.

A lot of the people involved Ed should take a long hard look at themselves and either do better or quit the business as its not for you.

Clearly many agree.

If they hadn't have tried to play the film off as serious, deep and meaningful story it .....nah who am I kidding, it would still have been bad. Just highly amusing that they really thought they had a ool deep and thought provoking story here didn't they!? Ha ha that cracks me up.

Avoid. Just check out the cool scene elsewhere online. We'll done to all involved with that scene. All the rest.

Please quit.
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