Review of Alone

Alone (XXI) (2020)
ALIVE wasn't the first as many keep saying............Two others before it.
15 February 2023
Alone (America) 2020 is the same story as 'Alive' 2020 (Korean) film which itself borrows so much from 'The Night Eats the World' 2018 (France) which steals directly from 'Rammbock: Berlin Undead' 2010 (Germany) (aka Siege of the Dead) each tells the story of a lone young man trapped alone in a building trying to survive a virus that turns people into maniacs who devour human flesh. Counting the days, rationing food, drink and trying to not go stir crazy. Until

Its amusing seeing people all saying this poor American remake isn't as good as Alive, when Alive isn't as good as its predecessors.

Alone (2020) is a pretty weak and diluted American version and a lot less violent with just a few 'scary moments' comoared to any of the other tellings, less gory moments or injury detail. Plays it for more of a romantic teen audience. It is well made but lacks the intensity of Berlin Undead.

Aiden and Evey (close to Adam and Eve and Donald Sutherland's 'Abel'.....hmmm is the script writer trying to subliminally get bible references in here now. If so it's badly done. Ha ha) Speaking of Sutherland, he is of course great in his short role here and steals the scenes. Criminally underused.

Enjoyable if nothing else. But a sanitized safe version of what came before and before and before.
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