Why was this piece of offal not stopped when it was just an idea?
15 February 2023
There's fun trash and bad trash.

This is the latter, and that's a shame.

This film's SO bad of the 'JC' (Jeeper Creeper) tales, it makes the second one (the one directed by the pædophile, and is about a bus load of really hunky teen jock boys trapped on a broken bus in the middle of 'Creeper's'b hunting grounds) seen like an academy award winning masterpiece.

This is sad-bad; i.e., you wish it would be fun, it worked revitalise am interesting original story, instead, it's so awful, you're sad it was allowed to be made.

Take one talentless pool of on-camera .

. 'talent', add a script which seems to be three, or so ideas which have all been thrown into a blender, take (what was) the original story, and bake.

This is the dreck you'd get.

The biggest 'name' is Gary Graham (you might remember him as Soval, in Enterprise, amongst his many appearances, elsewhere), who - either he's been made up to appear really old, or he's appearing 'au nauturel' (no! Not naked! Just without all the silicone fillers, no hair pieces/replacements which almost everyone uses).

He's gone after the first few minutes.

What follows is a mish-mosh of varying ideas, none of which seemed to every been filled out.

One is that the (previous 3 films) are just that; films, which led to less intelligent people thinking they're actually true stories.

The female lead is a 'scientist' - of what, who knows, and she really doesn't seem to have much intelligence. She's driving through this area where those films were set, and her boyfriend's really into this stuff.

They drive into a small town, ama wouldn't you know it, it's got a requisite 'creepy odds and ends'store, run but some 'eerie' lady ('eerie', if your idea of that is a day woman in a bowler, and a bit of goth makeup).

A scientist-chick's about to leave, she touched the hand of 'eerie lady', and as soon as she does, she starts having... VISIONS!!!

They're weird, and semi violent, but our intrepid sconce chick doesn't even so much as mention this to anyone (from this point in, it's almost like ANYTHING she touches, causes those 'eerie visions' to start up.. nothings every said - by her, and you'd fights tarry, Herr behind a scientist,...

The next scene - and this is midway, and up to this point, there have only been 4-6 scenes - really long ones - she and her (boy)friend(?) are at some seriously low-rent outdoor carnival, and the few who work there, all make comments to her (she goes to their knock down the pins, win a prize game, except, instead of a you rifle, it's those 4-VERY-pointed weapons used by 'JC' (creeper guy), and she gets yet, another vision, only sideshow guy starts in with the 'you DO know what it is you're holding, right', and that kond of babble.

This tries to be one of those clever break the fourth wall films, but it's terrible. I've only sat through the first half, and I KNOW exactly how this'll end.
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