Mexican horror done right
10 February 2023
For Valeria, becoming a mother is her biggest goal and desire. But, not everything is color pink after receiving the big news that she's in fact pregnant. Everything and everyone around her turns into a negative energy that forces Valeria to return to her past and dig up her real desires and identity. The exploration of motherhood is a well known subject in the horror genre since the release of Rosemary's Baby back in 1968. After that we have seen it over and over with the same outcome but this time the director brings a whole new perspective and approach creating a powerful and haunting horror film.

Huesera (The Bone Woman) takes motherhood and combines it with Mexican myths, folklore and body horror. This added to the outstanding performance of Natalia Solián as Valeria and mesmerizing cinematography, turns Huesera into one of the best Mexican horror films ever made. The film relies heavily in symbolism, specifically spiders, Mexican religious beliefs and superstitions instead of just jumps scares creating a tense and heavy atmosphere. Natalia Solián carries the film and gives a convincing and memorable performance throughout the whole film without missing a bit. Her struggle to find her true self and happiness can be felt creating an emotional connection with the viewer.

The internal battle of Valeria and her family situations that are presented are relatable and real life experiences that any woman could have in her life. Huesera feels genuine, and its a raw representation of how the expectations of everyone around you can force you to a life that you don't want but you're convinced that is the right path in life.
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