M3GAN (2022)
🎎 There's a Better Movie in There Somewhere 🎎
15 January 2023
It's a Mixed Bag

Let's get the Negatives out of the Way First -

1. There is a Much Better Movie in here, on one hand you have this Somewhat Fun Campy, Comedy Movie which is what this is. On the other Hand, this could of been an ACTUALLY SCARY, blood-letting Doll called M3gan going around Town and Tearing the Place apart with Kills.

2. It Had the Potential to be Scary but it isn't at all.

3. The Tone is all over the Place, it's a Comedy at times and is Ridiculous. I don't like Tonal Issues in Movies.

4. The Rating made the Film pull punches at every turn, the kills, the Blood, the Tone, everything is Watered Down.

Now to the Good -

1. With all that said, I actually laughed out loud multiple times In certain Scenes (Titanium Anyone? The Whole Cinema Laughed at that😂). And there are other scenes that will make you either Laugh or be Absolutely Pissed Off and Angry at how Ridiculous this movie is 🤣

2. Pretty Much, if you realise that this Movie is For the Most part a Big Joke and NOT A SCARY HORROR MOVIE, you might have Fun with this one.

Overall, it's not scary, its not a horror, it's more like a comedy and it is Funny at times but I do understand that Cheap Laughs Vs What this movie Could of and Should of been Weigh it Down Heavily.

But who knows? This first M3GAN installment could be the Start of something much better down the line.
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