Review of Coherence

Coherence (2013)
Fun Sci Fi idea that has a lot of shortcomings
12 January 2023
This was recommended to me by a horror movie forum and it's not horror but much closer to a Twilight Zone episode. It's very much a "what is going on here" movie

It has an overall fun concept that I have not seen before but is full of flaws that make it less enjoyable than need be.

First off the characters often do lots of puzzling things. Things that I guess one might do in that situation but had me screaming(in my head) for them to do something completely different. It takes me out of the film throughout.

Second issue is that the topic can be a bit obtuse, so the characters are constantly giving out exposition to tell you what is going on. The (and pretty much all)movie would be better served to have natural and environmental exposition rather than the characters telling you exactly what is going on.

Last is the otherwise nonsense ending. I actually appreciate what they tried to do but the execution was awful and resulted in a mess.

The movie is basically all shot in one house and otherwise feels cheap. While the acting is fine you can tell it was mostly improv which often resulted in a lot of unnecessary dialogue. Some of the camera work, specifically the camera cuts, resembled that of a found footage film which I felt didn't work. But it's mostly well acted and competently done.

This could have used good amount more polish to get it to greatness but it's a fun ride if you are up for a Sci Fi mystery.
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