California No (2020)
Made No Sense
2 January 2023
The main character has no job. Does he ever look for one? How come he and his wife are going to a therapist when they're broke? Why is he smoking cigarettes when he's broke? The guy dresses like a bum: unbuttoned dress shirt hanging out over his jeans. Needs a haircut. Appears to have no job skills. People come into his life and the viewer doesn't know who they are.

No backstory for any of the characters. Director likes to show main character driving around from one place to another. No character development, no back story, no idea how the characters came together or how they know each other. Abrupt ending to story.

I didn't care for the profanity, either. Maybe that's the way they talk in Southern California now. They didn't when I lived there. All the characters just seemed to be low class to me.
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