Time is of the essence
1 January 2023
No pun intended - actually there are a few things that are of essence ... especially the two main actors/characters! Andy Lau ... who got this role and it apparently changed the idea the two french co-screenwriters had. And I had no idea two french men were co-responsible for this masterpiece (imho). Amazing that To reached out to them, after another project fell through.

But step by step, because it had been a while since I last saw this. But it did not lose any of its touch or momentum. The movie really knows how to grip you and get you going. Actually the rather brutal beginning sets a tone, that the rest of the movie is changing a bit. But if you want to call this a flaw (changing moods) .. then the movie gives you a lot of fodder ... I love this despite or even because of the things that do not entirely fit ... because it makes the movie better.

Also Andy Lau and Lau Ching Wan ... I mean what a pair ... they play off each other brillantly. This has not aged or does not seem to have. Some things like the chemistry has a few bumps ... like the car crash ... but like the shootout before it - it doesn't always have to make sense or be based in reality. Music and editing are top notch ... the script is quite good all things considering (the small time frame they had to work things out) ... if you like Johnnie To I do not have to convince you. If this is your first of his ... you are in for a ride ... a great one at that ...
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