Dishonored (2012 Video Game)
out dated
29 December 2022
I heard great things about this, it's been mentioned on countless youtube videos and when I tried it as it was free on epicgames on the 29th of December 2022 I honestly don't see the appeal. Unless you played this when it came out it may have been groundbreaking or you may have liked it. Who knows. Compared to what was out around then considering this is a bethesda game but this is like the really annoying parts of Bioshock infinite DLC where you control Elizabeth. The combat was sluggish at best. Granted I only played this for 20 minutes and this does include that time wasting hide and go seek part but the combat was so awful I made it to the explosive to escape and thought to myself.. meh.. I've got better things to do. I've played at a ton of better FPS games.

The stealth needs serious improvements. Yes the game is 10+ years old soon as of writing this. Earlier hitman games before the 2016 trilogy were more enjoyable. As was the first and second splinter cell game. Doing this first person is honestly annoying. To make things worst there is no restart. You've got to constantly be exiting the level from the menus and starting over.

The character models seem a bit cartoonish similar to timesplitters 2 on ps2 and it doesn't fit. If you want a better first person game from this era even though the replay value is pretty poor. Bioshock infinite is my suggestion. I'm just glad I didn't pay for this garbage and be forced to keep it 10+ years ago before steam had such a great return policy where gamestop would give me a crisp 5 dollar bill.
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