Munich Games (2022– )
a corking series 6X45 mn
23 December 2022
Well finally a mainstream series which shows what events are like in the 21st century ie never oh never what they seem ...

Is it a hardcore radical Muslim group is it Mossad is it a bunch of lesbian grannies in Dresden with a grudge against the milkman?

  • of course i am not going to tell you here .... what would be the point in that....

  • what i can tell you is that it is very well-made and that the puppy may get shot in the head at the end or maybe the puppy was in charge from the start and got the cat to shoot him in the head but from the angle you saw it you did not see it was a water-gun or that the puppy wore a translucent bullet-proof helmet. That i can tell you .... maybe the puppy was a crocodile ...

  • the acting is truly excellent from all the main players really convincing; could not and would separate the 3 main actors Seyneb Saleh , Yousef 'Joe' Sweid , Sebastian Rudolph here for skill and adding to the atmosphere; no doubt we will see them again soon elsewhere if this series does as well as it should; personally had only ever seen Sebastian Rudolph before and he really has a presence which cannot be ignored

  • I thought it might get trite or guessable after a while but it did not go that way; in fact and that is why it is good it does not go the way anyone would think. Did i possibly hear the words Deep-State? Maybe i did maybe i did not ...

  • it covers a lot of themes dear to Germany: guilt /history/reparation. It has a heavy mood a lot of night scenes it has a Gothic atmosphere and will never cheer anyone but it is very very good

  • Highly recommended for anyone who likes a good dark tale with many twists.
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