A great reboot movie. Definitely lot a sequel...
22 December 2022
Why would anyone call this a sequel? Because it has a 2 at the end? Because it has half of the cast of the original but only one of them reprised their role?

It is definitely not a sequel because with just those 2 elements about it, nothing about the first movie is ever brought up again. Is that little girl alright? Is she sad that Charlie and Itchie had to leave her? Nothing.

This is just a Disneyfied reboot of the original IP for little kids. Why? I don't know, probably rights issues, it's the only way I can explain why the sequel is on streaming while the original is not.

So what did this reboot do better? Well it's for all ages 3 and above. It has a lot of catchy songs. It's more funny and goofy...

So what did it fail where the original had in spades? A great story, great character development, huge stakes, action. Almost everything that the sequel lacks the original did so much better. It would be laughable to put these two side by side and say that they belong in the same Universe.

So my recommendation is to do a Star Wars: show your kiddies All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 first because they literally made it for children. And then when they get a little older and get over superhero movie phase, show them the darker big brother prequel All Dogs Go to Heaven. Because that is where the real life lessons are.
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