My favorite Spider-Man ever.
19 December 2022
This show was my first introduction to Spider-Man and it has been the standard I've used to measure all subsequent iterations against. To this day it remains my favorite Spider-Man version, over all other series and movies.

The 90s was the heyday of superhero cartoons. Batman: The Animated Series, X-Men: The Animated Series, and of course Spider-Man: The Animated Series, to name a few, are all highly rated and with good reason.

It starts out with the normal Spider-Man characters and storyline but quickly delves into fantastic stories with intricate plots. By the series end you'll get to see all your favorite villains and heroes. One of the great things being the show gets a proper wrap-up, they don't just leave you stuck with a cliffhanger and then cancel the show.

Even as an adult I still sit down and watch the full series every so often. I can't wait until my son is old enough that we can watch it together. Hopefully he enjoys it as much as I do.
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