The Stranger (II) (2022)
It's Complicated
13 December 2022
This movie demands constant attention while seemingly nothing is really happening. Two men meet and one, the friend, introduces the other, the Stranger, to an opportunity in a criminal enterprise that looks like a smuggling ring for a black market but nothing seems to come of it. Through out the film there is an intensity to the stranger the exudes menace. As they go about mundane tasks to wipe out traces of some unexplained crime, the stranger is forced to reveal more and more of his past to assure the leaders of the criminal group that he is being forthright with them.

Meanwhile, there are interludes of the friend and his 9-year-old son. Their clearly loving and supportive relationship provides a needed break in the tension and a foil to the horror revealed later.

I don't understand the reviews they complain about the acting. This isn't one of those lightweight comedies or action flicks with two-dimensional characters and catch phrases written expressly for the trailers. It's funny how people swoon over a Marvel movie then complain about movies performed by true character actors following the dramatic vision of inspired writers, a talented cinematographer and director, and fashioned by professional editors.

If you love cinema and appreciate the effort to bring complicated and multi-dimensional characters to life, then this film is a must.

I didn't give ten stars because the sound editing drowned out too many conversations. This is a common problem today; emphasizing the music, which is more often just low base rumbling, to build atmosphere at the expense of delivering audible voice.
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