Very Funny, But Needs Better Editing
6 December 2022
Stephen Chow comes from Gwangzhou to Taiwan to stay with his uncle Man-Tat Ng, Uncle is a degenerate gambler, and it turns out that Chow has two, count 'em, two superpowers: he can see through objects, which allows him to see cards through their backs, and he can change one thing to another, like the ime he changes a ticket of horse #4 to the winning 9. Stephen winds up representing Taiwan in an international gambling competition,where people are willing to kidnap and kill opponents to win. He also falls wildly in love with Man Cheung, an absolutely deadly spy except when the plot calls for her to be kidnapped, which makes Chow's powers fail.

It's as filled with ridiculous and funny gags as any Stephen Chow movie, with Man-Tat Ng getting in a fair share as the second banana. What it lacks is a sense of progress, that this leads someplace, as the gags seem added just to fill out screen time. I laughed a lot, but even the funniest sequence must connect to the rest of the movie.
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