Wednesday: Woe What a Night (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Steady, we can't be losing steam now. A fantastic episode with a bit more of cheese than expected. Doesn't really takeaway from the great narrative though.
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Their Spanish heritage and musical influences as one of the choice of music that Wednesday listens to is brilliant and suiting. Everything from visual, costume, music and prop designs for this show is amazingly unique and screams of Tim Burton meets The Addams. Can't get enough of it. The unique flair of this show is intoxicating.

Wednesday acting as a corpse, over-the-top acting that still remains as engaging as it is amusing, the proper and subtle uses of current social media practices amongst teens like pinterest, instagram and others; for a franchise that is as old as The Addams, it has become part of its iconography the uses of certain romanticized macabre things like old phones, old gramophones, typewriters, crystal balls instead of iphones, and such. So when bringing them to the modern age, it could be a daunting task to have them interact with so many replacements that have appeared without them having to lose that identity "stuck in the past" aspect of them. So I really commend this show for blending both in such a natural and fitting way. Wish other modernisations of old franchises could succeed as such.

And the High School stuff arrives. Love the writing in everything related to Wednesday about this dance she must go to to find out more about the mystery. It's still teen drama, but it's made more engaging than ever with this crowd and especially knowing Wednesday's aversion to it. With your classic "asking a boy out to a dance" and a make-over scene, we are hitting every beat and theme of this mixture of genres in the show. Although with some inconsistent character behavior on part of Wednesday and most notably the two guys we saw a relationship being establish with, overall the dancing scene is great and helps develop the "love triangle". And a great Carrie-inspired finale and a reaction on Wednesday's part absolutely gold. But yeah, the boy drama was a bit tacked on and rushed, I hope the show doesn't pull from that overly-dramatized take on teenage angst and love.

First sign of wavering, yet not too bad. The show has a lot going on for it and I for one am super excited to see how it goes. "If you hear me scream Bloody Murder, there's a good chance I am enjoying myself", can't get enough with the great writing of the show.
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