It's painful to watch
20 November 2022
It's like someone woke up one day, took a home camera, grabbed a few friends and said "hey, lets make a movie." it's hard to know where to start with what's "wrong" with the film, because everything is terrible. So instead lets talk about the only thing that was "right" with the movie.

The story. A young adult, in a bad situation getting himself into crime, but has a talent and really wants to do the right thing. He goes after his dreams and everything is all good. Ya, it's beyond cliche and predictable, but it's a story that never gets old and lets admit it, we want to see an average person who has nothing, become someone. Because that's relatable and that's how we want our story to turn out. The problem with the movie was how that story was delivered. Obviously there was next to no money put into the movie. So I think the writer said "how can we made a film with this tiny budged." And this is what you get. Very little quality. The only thing I enjoyed about the movie was the over drawn out long scenes of the dancing/clubbing. Over done, but entertaining.
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