Goodbye Lover (1998)
Great Looking...Good Cast Over-Written Plot...But Fun Neo-Noir...Labyrinth Plot Dilutes
14 November 2022
Acclaimed Director Roland Joffe's Neo-Noir Romp is a Rampage of Relentless Plot-Twists that Dampen the Fire, Somewhat, of what Amounts to a Goofy, Well-;Adorned, Sexy "Double Indemnity" (1944) Wannabee for the New Millennium.

There's Sex-Symbols (Patricia Arquette, Don Johnson), a Feisty Off-Beat Type (Mary-Louise Parker), Over-the-Edge Loudmouths (Dermot Maroney), and a Female Detective (Ellen DeGeneres) that Hates, and Hates, but is a Cop because..."Once and while I get to shoot somebody".

It's a Fun-Film Production that Oozes Money.

But its Flaws are Glaring and have the Ability to Cheapen the Movie...

With Kinky Sex, a Plot that is More Confusing than "The Big Sleep" (1946), and Annoying Characters...

that are Over-Acted (Maroney) Shouting and Mugging...

and a Police-Detective (DeGeneres) that is so Laid-Back Cynical that it Becomes a Master-Class in How Under-Acting can Become a Form of Over-Acting in a Character that Reeks of Distinctive Unbelievability.

All the A-List Actors and Joffe's Audacious Hand, Craft a Busy Picture that can Sweep You into its Swirling Vortex, or Prompt Uneasiness at the Over-Load of it All.

The Film had all the Ingredients for a Cracker-Jack Neo-Noir but the Simmering Subtext Boils Over more than Once that Results in an Over-Cooked, but Somehow Still Palatable Movie that for Some Tastes will Find a Delicious Treat.

For Others, it just May Be Too Rich for Human Consumption.

It's Got Enough Spicy Ingredients that Either Way, its...

Worth a Watch.
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