Torn Hearts (2022)
Uncomfortable For All The Wrong Reasons
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My main question going into Torn Hearts was "Do you have to be a country music fan to enjoy it?" I didn't enjoy it, so I guess I'll never know. This movie managed to make every character unlikable, while also evoking no other feelings besides cringe and boredom. Aspiring country duo Leigh and Jordan are playing a gig at a bar but not just any gig, uncharasmatic generic bandana wearing country star is in the audience and is looking for an opening act for his upcoming tour, so equally uncharasmatic manage/boyfriend of Jordan tells them it's important and Leigh better not ruin it! Leigh hates what's his name manager and isn't shy about it, she also doesn't play a country music singer, since the song is the only thing country music about her. The next day they decide to randomly show up unannounced at reclusive legendary singer Harper Dutch's house with a pie to hopefully secure a duet... with someone who doesnt perform anymore or even leave her house since her sister killed herself. The logic is baffling at best, considering the circumstances. Once there, Harper Dutch (played by Katey Sagal using a forced awful twangy accent) who is clearly insane, starts psychologically and physically torturing them. Instead of leaving like any minimally rational person would, they play her increasingly unbelievable games (which included fist fighting each other) as she strings them along with hopes of a duet. With very little effort, Harper turns them on each other, kills the boyfriend and her mental breakdown and apparent suicidal intentions come out. These unremarkable in every way singers just remind her too much of the sister she killed and the heartless fame seeking Jordan turns on her friend. There is nothing believable about this film, there is nothing country about any of the characters and every cliche in the book is trudged out before an ending that makes you wonder why you kept watching after the first 10 minutes. This movie is bad, in alot of ways. From the boring cliche dialogue to the overacting by every member of the cast not even mentioning the very VERY obvious Dutch sisters being fictional versions of The Judds, except sisters instead of mother/daughter, making the worst thing about this movie the coincidental suicide aspect.
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