Is this an improvement over the 2016 reboot film? Obviously. But, check out my review below to find out why!
7 November 2022
"Ghostbusters: Afterlife" (2021), following the disastrous, pointless and cringe-worthy reboot known as "Ghostbusters" (2016), the franchise can only go up from there. When I first heard that another "Ghostbusters" movie was being made, I thought: "oh great, here we go again with the unnecessary reboots!" However, what finally sparked my interest, was due to the fact that it was going to be a continuation of the original franchise. Also, when I saw that some of the original cast members were going to be in it, I thought: "all right, I'll check it out when it's released on digital. I do need to cleanse my brain after the scar that the 2016 reboot left!" So, I watched it, and I'm glad to say that it was much better than the reboot. However, it has an onslaught of problems! "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" has a predictable and dull storyline, average to horrible acting, and a generic soundtrack to try and tie it all together. The plot is, a single mother and her children arrive in a small town and discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and their secret legacy. As the story started, I said to myself: "okay, it sounds promising so far. This is going to be a passing of the torch kind of plot!" But, it didn't take long for it to fall flat on it's face. It suffered from the cliched bad modern writing trope that most new films and TV shows do. I was expecting a love letter, if you will, to the original movies. When this "movie" finally ended, I found myself saying: "wait, what did I just watch?" Seriously, aside from the appearances of the cast members from the original "Ghostbusters" films; Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts and Sigourney Weaver there's next to nothing that this "movie" offers. Probably the most infuriating part, is that even though Harold Ramis, who played Egon Spengler in the original films had unfortunately passed away, they still dishonored his spirit and legacy by incorporating his character into this "movie". That's just slimy and wrong! Aside from that greedy slap in the face to the audience, this "film" goes down the route that you'd most likely expect. The original Ghostbusters team band together once again, to save the world from yet more ghosts. To be honest, I think that they just did this "movie" for the money, and didn't care less about the audience. I was hoping to see a fun and hilarious film, but sadly, it just tainted the whole franchise. As for the acting, it's overall a total letdown from the whole cast. The only ones who seemed to care about their performances, were: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts and Sigourney Weaver. The people who play the younger Spenglers; Mckenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard and Carrie Coon do okay. But, the annoyance still shines through from time to time. The rest of the cast is such an embarrassment to watch. Most of them don't even look like they're even trying! As far as the soundtrack goes, it's about as generic as you can possibly get. The film score was written and composed by Rob Simonsen. What he tried to do, was study the original soundtrack from the first movie and adapt it to be more modern. Granted, some of it is all right. But all-in-all, it's just nothing to write home about. To tell you the truth, I can barely remember any part of this film score. That's how forgettable it is! Any way, why don't we go ahead and move on to the only two good elements in this piece of garbage. The only good things are the sets/locations and the special effects. All of the sets/locations are great and they give this "film" a decent atmosphere. As far as the special effects go, they are all perfect. Which is no surprise, being released in 2021! "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" is yet another pointless sequel film that nobody asked for. I know I didn't! It's completely unnecessary in every sense of the word. But thankfully, this "movie" is better than the 2016 reboot. That's honestly the most praise that I can give this waste of film making. I'm struggling to give this "movie" 2 out of 5 stars on my personal scale, which equates to 4 out of 10 IMDB stars. Just stick with the original "Ghostbusters" film. Even "Ghostbusters II" (1989) is better than this movie! Really, just stick with the original movies. You'll thank me later! This "film" may be called "Ghostbusters: Afterlife", but it should really be called, "Ghostbusters: Purgatory". Why? Because these idiots are actually conceiving another sequel, and refusing to let this poor franchise die and lay to rest. I may not be afraid of ghosts, but I am afraid that if they keep milking this franchise, it'll just crash and burn!
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