Review of Terror Train

Terror Train (1980)
Keeps you guessing. Good movie for the time it's been made
27 October 2022
A very middle of the road slasher film that's saved by the third act as it focuses more on the leads Ben Johnson and Jamie Lee Curtis, who both give good performances. The train location is a nice change of pace from a house or the woods where most slashers generally take place, the costume party does make it more plausible for the killer to be on the loose without people catching on, the cinematography is good, also surprise appearances from Vanity and David Copperfield are a plus. However, with ever good thing there is about the film there's also a bad, the characters are generally unlikable, there's very little to no sex or nudity and the kills are mainly off screen and what is shown is unimaginative, especially considering magic was a big part of the movie. Some of the decisions the characters make, the leaps of logic in the story and the "twist" at the end are eye rolling and cringe inducing. There are better slasher movies, there are better Jamie Lee Curtis slasher movies. You definitely won't regret watching this, but you're not missing much if you skipped it either.

*Good movie with a twist. Keeps you guessing.
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