Patchy is an understatement
23 October 2022
There's not much positive to say about this film.

It's a post-apocalyptic film that borrows heavily from Mad Max and The Seven Samurai with a little Escape from New York thrown in for good measure but it lacks the vision of any of those films. It has a clunky script and two-dimensional characters that seem to exist just to make idiotic decisions at every turn. Almost every action sequence abruptly stops without any actual resolution. Every idea, interaction, set piece and scene feels frustratingly half-baked.

You can see what they were trying to do. They wanted to make a dark comedy/ensemble action film (tonally like The Expendables) but set in a magical realist post-apocalyptic wasteland. And had they actually delivered that, it would probably have been enjoyable. Sadly, they repeatedly and wildly missed the mark. Instead, we ended up with a patchwork of half-thought ideas, ham-fisted dialogue, pointless character arcs and general incoherence.

They have no water but they have plenty of booze. I'd love to see how they make alcohol without water. Society has gone to hell for 50+ years but apparently petrol, ammunition and dynamite is still plentiful. Everyone still uses pop culture references and listens to music from a hundred years ago. It's just a mess.

Adam Ant played a passable bad guy (even if his character did do dumb stuff constantly). Bruce Dern was okay, though it often seemed like he was playing a character from an entirely different film.

Whoever was in charge of the pyrotechnics did a great job.

There's not much else to say. Even as a fan of b-movies and post-apocalyptic films, this one was a real slog to watch.
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