Mid-Love Crisis (2022 TV Movie)
What a Disappointment!
13 October 2022
Sad to say, this movie missed so many opportunities to make a strong political statement on behalf of women. To focus, instead, on the most shallow and neurotic aspects of a woman turning 50, as though her life is ending, left this faithful viewers really concerned. What was Hallmark saying? That a single woman with an honorable profession as a teacher, with a beautiful home, and a healthy body is bereft at turning 50? Where in our current culture does a professional woman of 50 think that life is over? The writers of this script really took us back 30 year of progress in women's lives. A really sad statement,

In addition, Teri Hatcher was presented in a most unattractive manner. Her hair was unkempt and scraggly, flying all over the place, her clothes were too tight and unflattering, and her bemoaning her fate at turning 50 was simply not believable.

As for the daughter's love life. A bit of better judgement could have been applied here. She looked 16 years old. Her romance seemed childish, silly, and unbelievable. Two women making a life commitment should be presented as a great deal more mature and intelligent. These two little girls looked like they're playing 'make-believe", pretending to be grownups and mature enough to make a serious life decision.

Interestingly,the only cast member who had the most valid adult emotions and reactions was the ex-husband. He acted well, his role was written appropriately, his reactions and behaviors were perfectly believable for man his age and status in life. He was, for this viewer, the most likable fellow in the entire cast.

The new love interest seemed like a too-old flower child, seeking answers by exploring the universe, traveling, taking in all the cosmic messages the world offered him, and yet, immature enough to flounce off the moment his relationship with the leading lady felt threatened.

In all,this was a very feeble attempt at a challenging topic. If the woman in the story were turning 70 and concerned about her looks, her life purpose, etc. It might be minimally believable. But Teri Hatcher at 50? No sale! Hallmark needs to get more politically correct and up-to-date. Sorry. This was a truly missed opportunity to make a very modern and valid political statement.
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