Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Best MCU Offering In Some Time
13 October 2022
I haven't been terribly impressed by recent MCU entries but this is the best thing they've done since Multiverse of Madness.(I was disappointed due to my own expectations as well but still liked it). I love the hybrid feel of 80' Halloween special meets old black and white monster movie. It has a little intentional camp and cheese to it which actually works for the genre crossing and it spares us the excessive comedy the MCU is fond of shoving down our throats in every single thing they do lately. This one is stylish and entertaining and paced just right for its just under one hour run time. If for no other reason those who enjoyed the old late 70's early 80's Halloween specials on network tv should check this out as a nice throwback to that era. It is fun without relying on being FUNNY every moment. Please stick with this formula a little more and let a darker side of the MCU thrive as an alternative to the mainstream materials which have become so cookie cutter and joke oriented. Werewolf By Night is a win and proof that you CAN still put out something different.
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