Strange to the point of icky.
29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of late 60's movies that go for the psychedelic look become campy favorites, cult films, guilty pleasures and cool views of the time period. I must say that I did not have a smashing time to mention the name of another late '60s British film, one that I actually thought was pretty good and spending the fact of how dated it is.

But the character played by Michael York is such an idiot that after a while I really didn't care how far he went to hang himself. He finds himself involved with a girl who turns out to be underage, a rather annoying Susan George, whose immaturity and cloying nature should have been ringing warning bells for the young police officer character he plays.

The main plot (which seems to be shorter to the York/George subplot), involving Scotland Yard detective Jeremy Kemp, seems to be undeveloped and missing important details. It's also very strange in a very creepy way, and I found it difficult to really engage myself in everything going on because a lot of it just made no sense. I'm passing this by on turning my copy over fellow classic movie fans because I value them. I saw absolutely no value in this.
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