Bullet Proof (2022)
A fun action film! Nothing crazy, but definitely entertaining!
23 August 2022
People need a reminder that not all movies have to have insane budgets or be award worthy or deep for them to be entertaining. This was a fun action film! It was really fast paced, it made time go by really quickly. I was impressed with it for what it was. Action sequences were cool! The Frenchman is not your typical hitman, more soft spoken, but it kind of worked. There's some great humor that I wasn't expecting, and yeah it hits a lot of action movie tropes, but that seems like it was on purpose, so I liked it. Reminded me of 90s action films. Vinnie Jones isn't the greatest actor, but that's okay, he fits the bad guy thing well, there's a reason he's typecast often and it worked well in this. The new actors that play Mia and The Thief were both pretty good and had some great and sometimes funny chemistry. 7/10.
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